13 Jun 2014

How To STOP Smoking Easily

How To STOP Smoking Easily | Smoking is very bad for our health so, let me tell you about how to stop smoking easily

How To STOP Smoking

1. Mental Prepare

The first way to stop smoking is to prepare mentally. Mentally strong is needed when you want something. Moreover, to quit smoking, it takes a strong mental and desire before and when run it. Because smokers when not smoking is definitely haunted by the temptation to quit smoking and failed due to weak mentally not resist the temptation. So, be sure and commit to yourself that you really want to quit smoking, both for the good of themselves and others.


2. Publish your decision to quit smoking

Let friends and family know of your decision to quit smoking. Get support to people close to you to always remind you of your goal to quit smoking and the health benefits every time you feel the urge to smoke. Also, very importantly, ask friends and family not to smoke in front of you and do not leave cigarettes around you.

3. Find friends who want to quit smoking as well

Maybe besides you, there are also friends who are close to you smokers who want to quit smoking. However, because you often get together, so often tempted when you see your friend is cool to smoke in front of you. So invite your friends smoker, up to how many, only one did not matter as long as you have a strong desire to quit smoking.

4. Set a target date

Set a target date for 2-3 weeks begins the moment you took the decision to quit smoking. Make sure that this period does not coincide with conditions that might stress you will experience that your efforts to quit smoking much easier to live. Try to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke in the coming weeks until you stop completely at a target time you specify.

5. Divert your mind

Divert the mind on positive things that will make less and less desire to smoke. Expand social interaction such as roads, chatting with family or playing outdoors. You can also develop other, more positive hobby to be able to quit smoking.

6. Save your money for something else

Cigarettes purchased with money. If you buy cigarettes, you actually tantamount to burning money. To avoid this, try to think ahead and do not waste your money just to buy cigarettes alone. Save some of the money you normally spend on cigarettes, and use it for something more useful. For example, to buy things related to your hobby

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