22 Aug 2014

Ways Swim Backstroke

Ways Swim Backstroke - backstroke (CRAWL BACK STROKE). Swimming is one sport in the 1896 Summer Olympics. In 1900, the backstroke is inserted as a new Olympic swimming number. Backstroke is swimming style that has been known since ancient times. Was first contested at the 1900 Paris Olympics, swimming the backstroke is the oldest style diperlombakan after freestyle. A style that is most different from the others because we are the face up position, so we can not look ahead. Here is How to Swim Backstroke:

1. leg Movement

Swim Backstroke ways, namely:

a. Right and left foot alternately moved up and down (like the person who is running / like freestyle but the face up position)

b. Feet alternately driven fast enough so that you do not deviate swimming direction / turn

2. hands Movement

a. The starting position of the hand straight above your head

b. Then straight pedaling backwards towards the waist

c. Then lift out of the water surface and return to starting position

d. Do the same with the other hand

So moving left and right hand alternately, when the left hand out of the water, right hand into the water, and so on.

3. movement combination of hand, foot and take a breather

Legs constantly moving as in point 1 above.

With this style, there will be no difficulty in taking breath problem because we face is above water.

Perhaps the problem is whether we have reached the end of the pool or not, because we can not see (our eyes facing up). This can be overcome by calculating the movement of the hand.

Tips on How to Swim Backstroke:

1) Position the feet do not get too in surface water, but rather to the entry into the water (this will help speed ..juga ease heads remain above)

2) The legs keep moving, do not stop (this is so that we do not deviate swimming direction / turn).

3) The soles of the feet somewhat straightened out so as to be straight / parallel to the leg bone

4) Position both feet close to each other.

5) The chin slightly brought closer to the chest, it will help speed in swimming.

6) Movement of the hands when entering the water, the palm side that goes into the water first (this is far from the water resistance)

That way Swim Backstroke, good luck.

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