25 Jun 2014

How to Focus Learning

How to Focus Learning | Learning is supposed to be one of the priorities of our youth today because learning is one of the keys to success and will make us a lot more to know, but sometimes when we want to focus on learning there will be obstacles that seem to prevent us from learning, such as laziness that comes on suddenly, then the sleepiness that sometimes come off when we open a book. Well, things like this that will give way to me I could stay focused on learning, here's how

Learning How to Focus

1. Learn in groups
Studying in groups is a very good solution, even at the university level to be able to understand the material well many students that make learning groups where no one among them who became a role model or become a teacher in the group. Well, you can apply them find 4-5 people who want to work together and learn together in a group.


2. Make a gift to yourself
Berikah gift for yourself after a specific achievement; for example, for every hour that you are going through serious study, or for that matter you understand. This gift will make us shoo away feeling lazy. The prize can you set yourself loh, hehe

3. Do not forget to drink
Drinking water can make you can think better because water can help replace the fluids in your body. Well, if you engantuk when studying then you can drink a cup of coffee so that your eyes can be literate.

4. Make a study plan
Schedule time to learn your routine and well-planned, well-planned timetable on what materials you will learn on this day and this date, any material that is plainly not understood and when you memepelajarinya.

5. Stop playing computer games and gadgets while learning
Smartphones and computers can distract you when to learn, so do not turn on the computer and your smartphone when you're learning because rest assured that it will distract you when you're learning.

6. Use effective learning method for you
In the study, each person has a different method is nothing like studying at dawn, there are learning while staying up, nobody likes to listen to music while studying and so forth. Now, please choose carefully how the learning method that is right for you and not boring.

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